One of the first things you need to learn when it comes to basketball is how to guard the ball. To help develop the skills needed for this, ask your friends for a friendly game of basketball. Invite some players who are skilled to teach you how to guard the ball.
Find out how to make free throw shots. This may seem like an easy task, but in reality, things prove otherwise. When practicing your free throw, concentrate on where you want the ball to go when it leaves your hands. First, keep the ball in front of you and at eye level. Eye the basket and imagine the ball swishing down into it. Once you've visualized this, take your shot as you just saw it in your head.
Always follow through when shooting. A great way to practice is to hold your follow through until the ball goes in the basket or misses. This will give you some clues on why you missed a shot or where you need to strive for consistency. Watch how other players follow through and follow their lead.
Frequently practice passing and catching the passes of others. Make sure you get used to catching less than perfect passes smoothly. Understand that during a game, you will receive very scattered passes. Some will be good; some won't. Be a better teammate by anticipating a bad pass to make sure it doesn't get into the opponents hands.
Jump on the ground and dive for those loose balls. Don't be afraid to hit the ground hard and get a little hustle on. Not only will this help the team, but the coach will surely notice your improved effort. Team moral is always a good thing to keep in high numbers.
Shoot at least a hundred free throws every day. Not only does this make you a better free throw shooter, but it helps all your shooting. You can step on a court any day of the week familiar with the sight and sound of you putting the ball in the goal. This gives you serious mental confidence, regardless of how or where you actually shoot.
Anyone can learn basketball when they have pros explaining to them what it is all about. The tips and strategies you just learned all come from those pros. Take the information you learned today to help you the next time you out to play basketball, or you decide to watch it on TV.
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